Day in the Life of a Seiyu – Sore ga Seiyu! First Impression Review

An anime about anime voice actors, that have voice actors voice acting anime characters that are voice actors. Simply put, that is what Sore ga Seiyu! is all about. What’s cracklackin’ ya’ll, it’s your boy Nico Nico Eldries and I just saw (literally like 5 minutes before writing this blog entry) the first episode of…

Fall 2015 (October 2015) Anime Release List

What is crackalackin’ ya’ll, It’s your boy Nico Nico Eldries and I’ve got the complete list (more or less) of this season’s anime releases. I hope you’re all excited cause I sure am. There quite a few in this list that I am eagerly awaiting (e.g. POKEMON XY&Z to name one =D) and I hope…


Let’s see if I still remember how to do this (clears throat). So imagine a world where an evil demon is in deep slumber on one side and everyone else is living in peace (sorta) having fighting tournaments. Then during the middle of the most important fight of the century, some random dweeb that looks…


WELL, WELL, WELL…Look who decided to drag their ass back into the world of Anime. Done goofed and became an adult for a few weeks and now he decides to come crawling back to the fun side of life. YEPPEROONIES!!! [Yehp-pur-roo-nees] I’M BACK MY NICO NINJUHS AND GUESS WHAT?!?!?! Well you can probably guess from…

What Duh Derp Did I Just Watch? – Mind Game Review

When it comes to anime, many anime fans know that many manga artists and writers are not scared of going beyond the norm; to go beyond belief and reason, and makes you question “what the heck?” Mind Game is exactly one of those anime, it’s fun and wacky style almost become too overwhelming that I…

The Classroom Crisis, Crisis – Classroom Crisis First Impressions Review

So I was once part of the nerd, extension class where all the smart kids tackled harder problems and even joined math competitions, inter-school spelling-bees, and spent our lunches tackling harder and improbable challenges. Sounds fun yeah? Yeah I didn’t think so…in all honesty, I didn’t expect it to be. But I remember they always…