The story thus far… – Nico Nico Persona Blog #1

As promised, I want to explain my abrupt hiatus last week and what is going on. I also want to take this opportunity to share a bit more about myself on a personal level, cause I mean…I’m lovable like that =D.

Well let’s start with a bit of background from last week. For the past month and a half, I’ve had issues with my stomach and abdominal area. Each morning I would wake up, get ready for work and as I’m getting ready, I would literally end up exactly like the gif below..

Flowers and Sunshine I would literally expel flowers and sunshine from my mouth. As pretty as that sounds, it isn’t. It’s retched and I never want to do that again, or so I would tell myself every single morning after each retching session. It has been on an ‘on/off’ basis where some days I’d be fit as a fiddle. But most days, I would find myself in front of the sink or the toilet bowl doing exactly this…


I’ve been to the doctors countless times and it has gotten to the point where we don’t know what is wrong. I’ve been booked for an endoscopy (where they stick a camera down my throat to see what the heckles is going on) but the earliest appointment isn’t until the 18th of November, which from today is roughly 2 weeks away. I have no choice but to take days off when I need to, because I don’t want to rock up to work, only just to vomit in the bathroom before my shift starts, which, mind you, has been the case on several occasions.

I love my job. I work at a call center for an electric company and man oh man do I get the most amazing customers (sarcasm intended). But it’s an amazing job. The people I work with are great, the culture is great and for 75% of the time you do get really good customers.

Not to mention this is the best time of my life, cause my waifu (actual real-life waifu and not some dakimakura…you perverts =P) is pregnant. Three months pregnant at the time of this post, to be exact. Still not sure whether it’s a boy or a girl yet, but we’ll get to thank in another 2 months or so.

ANY WAY, yeah, it’s been a roller-coaster ride for me at this time. Not able to work cause of health, and then not able to save up money because no work, and because I duh not go work its difficult to provide for my family. We’re really blessed to have my parents helping us at the moment, because without them, we’d be screwed. It’s still hard. I know people have it rougher that I do, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m in a bit of a pickle. Last week, I ended up going to the emergency room because of it, but by the time it was my turn to get checked up, they weren’t able to find anything conclusive. But meh…but I wasn’t able to make a post for Otaku Term Tuesdays unfortunately.

So I hope that explains a little bit about the hiatus and what has been happening. If you like these Nico Nico Persona Blog entries let me know. We can make it a regular thing. Along with Throwback Thursday, Otaku Term Tuesday and whatever else we decide to do. =D. I am thinking of starting my Youtube channel again…so let me know what you want from me. I am your slave (not really, but I pray to Arceus that you know what I mean). This is your boy, Nico Nico Eldries, signing out.


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