A Message to My Unborn Child About Anime

To My Unborn Son/Daughter, There are many things that I would like to tell you and to teach you when you get here, but I feel that if I don’t write this now, I may forget, or even neglect to tell you. At the moment, I want to tell you about Anime. You’re probably wondering,…

Manga Explained Update – 05 Jan, 2016

What is cracklackin’ everyone? I just wanted to write up a quick update video for the next few manga series that we will be covering. Videos will probably be starting up again this weekend (Friday or Saturday) depending on whether anything randomly pops up, but everything should work out well for now. I will still…

New Year, New Look, New Series – Nico Nico Persona Post #4

What is cracklackin everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hopefully your 2016 has been great so far. I know 2015 was filled with challenges, lessons, fun and excitement. I hope 2016 will bring you all many blessings. I know it has been a long while since I’ve posted, and I apologize for my neglect. Things have been…