One Punch Man Challenge

What the derp is the One Punch Man challenge, you ask? Watch this vid and you’ll find out =D.

Life Lessons From Anime: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash (Part 1)

Ever had issues with morals while playing MMORPGs? Yeah, neither have I (except the time when I clicked ‘Need’ for loot, but only really wanted it). In Grimgar, it’s ALL about morals. Imagine when, “training” on the common fodder the are squealing and crying as you stab them multiple times, or incinerate them with fire…

Manga Explained: One Punch Man 001 to 004 – The Strongest Man

What is crackalackin’ everyone!! I’m proud to say that we’re back after a long ass hiatus. In this episode, we will be going through the first few chapters of the One Punch Man series. One Punch Man was originally a Japanese Webcomic, self published by ONE in 2009. In 2012 his work became viral and…

Podcast Hype

Hey guys, with Manga Explained on the way, (One Punch Man, Attack on Titan and Shokugeki no Soma this week), I’m also excited to announce that Wes and I are going to start doing a weekly podcast for the UnimeTV blog. Now I won’t reveal too much just yet, but we’re working out the kinks…

Life Lessons From Anime: School Days

With the Valentines season finished (or finishing if you celebrate it for the full month of February), it’s time to appreciate the things that we currently have. I am assuming that everyone that is reading this had a Valentine of some sort, whether a real life kouhai, senpai noticed you or  your waifus. No matter…

Nico Nico Persona Post #4 – Absence and Reason

Hey guys, it’s been a while…I’ll explain everything in this video pretty much. Thanks for the patience and support.   —Make sure to check out our blog at for more Anime/Manga related content– —————————————-­—————————————-­—————- Links and Important Stuff: My Twitter: My Personal Blog: UnimeTV Blog: UnimeTV Youtube Channel: UnimeTV Facebook…

Where the Heckle Have You Been? – Nico Nico Persona Blog #2

Good question yeah? Well the only thing I can say really is…ughh…videos? THAT’S RIGHT YA’LL NICO NICO IS COMING BACK TO VIDEO!!!! Still working on it at the moment, but I’ll be doing a video review coupled with my first impression reviews. Videos will come out once a week(ish), but first impression reviews will be…

The story thus far… – Nico Nico Persona Blog #1

As promised, I want to explain my abrupt hiatus last week and what is going on. I also want to take this opportunity to share a bit more about myself on a personal level, cause I mean…I’m lovable like that =D. Well let’s start with a bit of background from last week. For the past…


What’s cracklackin’ ya’ll? It’s your boy Nico Nico Eldries and we are back with a new shindig that will happen every single Tuesday. WOOHOO!! SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO….DRUM ROLL PLEZ!!! OTAKU TERM TUESDAYS Where we break down every single weeaboo word that every Otaku uses, should use or better start using or else… So, to…

Day in the Life of a Seiyu – Sore ga Seiyu! First Impression Review

An anime about anime voice actors, that have voice actors voice acting anime characters that are voice actors. Simply put, that is what Sore ga Seiyu! is all about. What’s cracklackin’ ya’ll, it’s your boy Nico Nico Eldries and I just saw (literally like 5 minutes before writing this blog entry) the first episode of…