Welcome back to another… OTAKU TERM TUESDAYS Where we break down every single weeaboo word that every Otaku uses, should use or better start using or else… So without further ado, this week’s wonderful word is… WEEABOO What is a weeaboo you ask? Good question. A weeaboo in short is an Otaku (refer to our…

Castle in the Sky Review – THROWBACK THURSDAY

What is crackalackin ya’ll? It’s your boy, Nico Nico Eldries, and I am pleased to announce yet another new segment for the blog; THROWBACK THURSDAYS The portion where we look back in time and watch/re-watch some of the timeless classics of the past. Today we are going to start it off with the very first…


What’s cracklackin’ ya’ll? It’s your boy Nico Nico Eldries and we are back with a new shindig that will happen every single Tuesday. WOOHOO!! SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO….DRUM ROLL PLEZ!!! OTAKU TERM TUESDAYS Where we break down every single weeaboo word that every Otaku uses, should use or better start using or else… So, to…