Welcome back to another…


Where we break down every single weeaboo word that every Otaku uses, should use or better start using or else…


So without further ado, this week’s wonderful word is…


What is a weeaboo you ask? Good question. A weeaboo in short is an Otaku (refer to our previous Otaku Terms Tuesday), gone wrong. As an otaku, one loves anime and enjoys Japanese culture in moderation. A weeaboo is an INSULT to all otaku’s and should die a horrible death like this…

On a more serious note, Weeaboos are anime fans that take it too far. They are obsessed with anime and because of this obsession they try to act like they are and speak in “Japanese”, even though they are super duper far from it and say the words completely wrong and look like total douchebags. They denounce their own culture and try to act Japanese with the little knowledge they have from anime and then look like derp-tards doing so. SOOO basically DON’T BE A WEEABOO!!!!

Weeaboos are the scum of the anime world. It’s fine to be an Otaku, I LOVE being an Otaku. I will admit, there are times where I say things in Japanese, enjoy sushi, cosplay, re-enact my favorite anime scenes and I can be obsessed with Anime. HOWEVER!!!! The difference is, I don’t pretend to be a fake-ass Japanophile (another word for weeaboo) that thinks I’m Japanese and acts like anime chicks, tries to be all cutesy and calls everything kawaii. There is a line…and Weeaboos cross that line. Otakus don’t like Weeaboos because Weeaboos make us look bad. They’re annoying as heck and no one likes them except other Weeaboos, but I’m sure Weeaboos don’t even like other Weeaboos cause they’re so gosh darn annoying.

I really think this image has the difference between Otakus and Weeaboos on point…

Having read all of this, you’re probably wondering…”Nico why do you use the word weeaboo like it’s nothing?” Or, “Why use weeaboo in the description for Otaku Term Tuesdays?” The reason is very, very simple…because I want to. Despite being the most despicable scum on the face of the Earth, the word weeaboo is fun to say. SO!!! I say it like it’s nothing, think of it like…instead of calling you a noobcake, I’ll call you a weeaboo because I can. HOWEVER, as hypocritical as it sounds, weeaboo is not a cool thing to be, and don’t aspire to be a weeaboo, please don’t. You can love anime without being a complete derptard about it.

Still doesn’t answer your question on the Otaku Term Tuesday thing? Well…let me put it like this…if you use some of these words/terms in moderation, you will be fine, you’re an Otaku. If you use these words/terms to the extreme, saying ‘Senpai/Waifu is kawah-ee-wah-ee-deh-suu’  when you see your crush and/or ‘SUGOI’ everytime you eat something nice, I ask you to stop, go home, and rethink your life. It’s completely fine to speak Japanese and say these words IN MODERATION! Just don’t forget who you are. You are awesome whatever your culture is, and Japan is not the holy land of “sugoi kawaii desuka ness”. Be yourself, love anime, love Japanese culture, but don’t disrespect Japanese culture or Anime Otaku culture with your Weeaboo-ness. DON’T BE A FREAKIN’ WEEABOO, that’s pretty much the point of this post today. If I ever catch any of you being a freaking Weeaboo anywhere…I will literally have a field day…

I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Let me know in the comments what words you guys want me to define. This is your boy, Nico Nico Eldries, signing out.



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Links and Important Stuff:

Featured Image: An example of a Weeaboo

My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/NicoNicoEldries

My Instagram: https://instagram.com/niconicoeldries/

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/niconicoeldries

This is owned by NicoNicoEldries, unless images/music specified in above description.

Footage recorded for fair use and intended for educational purposes.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. kurosama238 says:

    This post came at a perfect time as i was having a dilemma with one of my friends who I would definitely describe as a ‘weeaboo’ – it’s to the point that she’ll even do it to people she doesn’t know, for example we went shopping with a couple of friends, we couldn’t find the other half to he group, so she went up to a random security guard and literally goes “ahh, I’m so sad desu. I can’t find my tomodachi desu” – cue facepalm!

    Anyway fantastic post – definitely important to know the distinction between Otakus and Weeaboos!


    1. Thanks Kurosama. I hope your friend decides to rethink her ways. Hahaha.


      1. kurosama238 says:

        Haha! So do I ;_; may end up staging an intervention of some sort

        Liked by 1 person

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