What is crackalackin’ it’s your boy Nico Nico Eldries and we are finally back after being on a short hiatus. I have recently been having issues with my stomach and gastro which is why I haven’t been able to post for the past few days. We missed out on Otaku Term Tuesday and on Throwback Thursday, which I do apologise for sincerely.

Having said that, we’re going to jump right back into…

Otaku Term Tuesday

Where we break down every weeaboo word that every Otaku uses, should use or better start using or else…

The word of the week is “Kawaii”.

What is Kawaii? Kawaii literally means “cute”. For example…that girl/guy that friend-zoned you and says that you do really cute things for her/him…is saying you’re kawaii. It’s pretty simple isn’t?

Kawaii can literally be used the same way as cute…but just doesn’t sound as good?!?! Let me explain. If you see a really cute girl to the point you have to express what you’re thinking..you will say ‘holy heck she is friggen cute as.’ Lot’s of words right? Well…kawaii let’s you use one single word…but for a longer length..for example…”kawaiiiiii”.

Does it matter the length of how you say kawaii? Of course it does. The longer the ‘kawaii’ the cuter the item is. If you see a lolicon friend…”kawaii”. If you see senpai…”OMGERSH KAWAIIIIIII”

It probably is a bit better if I do a video for this…BUT we’ll get to that some other time. If you want me to do a video, let me know and spam that like button. But we’ll get round to it sometime.
So basically, kawaii can be used in various ways, however I do advise not to go overboard. If you remember our talk on weeaboos last week…plez, plez i beg, use “kawaii” at your own risk! It’s fine in moderation, but if used too much you will become a weeaboo.

With that said, thanks for all the support on Otaku Term Tuesdays thus far. I’ve been sick so I wasn’t able to keep up the posts last week, but we shall overcome that for sure =D.

Well without further ado, this iis your boy, Nico Nico Eldries, signing out.


P.S. Not as much gifs this week, sorry, been really sick as of late. I’ll explain in another post, but for now, keep me in your thoughts =D


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Links and Important Stuff:

Featured Image: Kawaii Titan-desu

My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/NicoNicoEldries

My Instagram: https://instagram.com/niconicoeldries/

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/niconicoeldries

This is owned by NicoNicoEldries, unless images/music specified in above description.

Footage recorded for fair use and intended for educational purposes.

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